FactsAndData.org is part of a growing network of independent researchers dedicated to providing the most reliable data to counter myths and baseless claims about the pressing issues confronting the U.S. and the world. Our mission is to serve as a trusted resource, encourage knowledge-sharing, and empower individuals to speak out against misinformation and deception. At FactsAndData.org, ideology is tested against the unyielding standards of reality.

During a 35-year engineering career in the aerospace industry, the statement I most frequently heard or said was, “Show me the data.” Every change to an airplane, whether to reduce weight or improve passenger safety, was justified by data scrutinized by other experts with math and modeling. This facts and data approach is responsible for the remarkable improvement in passenger safety and aircraft fuel burn during the past half-century. Air travel is the safest mode of transport by a large margin, even after including the multiple 737max crashes, while the fuel economy of the latest large aircraft entering the marketplace now exceeds 100 passenger miles per gallon for maximum passenger densities.
Public policy has taken the opposite path with data-based facts being replaced with ideology leading to disastrous consequences for individuals, society, and the environment. With virtue-signaling replacing getting results, or evidenced-based analysis, the most bizarre and destructive ideas are continually pushed by news outlets dependent on appealing to groupthink for their survival or due to directives from ownership lacking journalistic integrity.
Amid the prevalent censorship of information that contradicts favored narratives of mainstream and social media giants, often directed by the US government, independent truth seekers rely on individuals who remain unwaveringly focused on reporting objective facts and data relevant to critical issues. Enter FactsAndData.org, one person’s effort to confront the wave of absurdity that has swept the globe.
The Greatest Enemy of Truth
More than half a century ago US President John F. Kennedy identified the greatest enemy to truth, which is out-of-control in today’s hyper-partisan driven world. Kennedy would be unique in today’s political environment admitting and taking full responsibility for his mistakes, such as launching the Bay of Pigs fiasco.

Key Features of FactsAndData.org
Frank and Straightforward
Political correctness has been used to censor discussion over the most absurd beliefs which fall like a house of cards by an honest review of the most credible facts and data. FactsAndData.org is more concerned about presenting facts and data than not offending group thought. It calls out the damage to individuals and society from ideological thinking with no concern for political partisanship or name-calling by those lacking data to support their viewpoints.
Analytical Rigor
Most fact-checker website articles are written by idealogues primarily relying on statements from “experts,” chosen for a desired narrative. FactsAndData.org results are based on the analysis of the raw data by a scientist/engineer.
Most people have personal and political views and backgrounds that increase or decrease the credibility of their interpretation of available data. FactsAndData.org reveals pertinent background information when appropriate.
Raw Data
The truth about every issue in life, from buying the best car with your money to having the most realistic policy for de-carbonizing, is in the raw data. FactsAndData.org presents the verifiable raw data proving or disproving claims made regarding the major issues of our day, in an easy-to-understand format.
Sources for the raw data are documented for each chart.
FactsAndData.org presents key data on the issues in a chart form for those lacking the time or interest to read lengthy articles. Fortunately, truth is usually simple to understand, while lies often involve complex stories.
Facts vs. Opinions
Being able to differentiate between facts and opinions is the starting point for training your mind to think critically.

Rational thought and thinking have been replaced by stories designed to sell a narrative rather than reveal truth.

A common factor among regions characterized by elevated taxes, subpar services, and unfavorable living conditions is the absence of comprehensive cost-benefit analysis. In these instances, decision-making is propelled by an open-ended fallacy that fails to take into account the broader implications and outcomes.

Idiocy for Ideology
“Idiocy for ideology” refers to blindly following an ideology without critical thinking. It’s when the pursuit of an ideology overrides common sense and rational thought.

Nothing fuels ideological foolishness more than an echo chamber of overconfident ignorance. The internet has only amplified this problem, making it easier than ever to find confirmation bias with just a click of the mouse.
Stupidity prevails when intelligent individuals remain silent under peer pressure, afraid to challenge absurd ideas. This trend has even reached some of the wealthiest and most influential figures, like Microsoft founder Bill Gates. During a TED Talk about his company TerraPower’s nuclear reactor design, Gates criticized rooftop solar for its unreliability, environmental costs, and reliance on 100% backup power—typically from natural gas—as well as the significant mining waste it generates relative to the minimal energy it provides. Yet, years later, in a book he authored, Gates appeased the solar lobby by claiming rooftop solar had become a key solution to climate change.
At FactsAndData.org, we don’t cater to special interests or popular narratives. Instead, we provide solid, evidence-based insights into how policies actually perform—like the real-world outcomes of Germany’s energy experiments. Here, facts take precedence over pandering.

- David Robert Grimes. “Echo Chambers Are Dangerous – We Must Try to Break Free of Our Online Bubbles.” The Guardian, The Guardian, 14 Feb. 2018, www.theguardian.com/science/blog/2017/dec/04/echo-chambers-are-dangerous-we-must-try-to-break-free-of-our-online-bubbles.